RCS 0400 – Remote Monitoring and Control of Systems

IACIT’s Telemetry and Remote Control System RCS 0400 was developed to obtain remotely all operational control of equipment and integrated systems with the provision of real-time information.

It is essential to identify whether systems and infrastructure are operating correctly, without complications. This avoids losses and expenses replacing parts in systems that may have their operation compromised by the lack of monitoring. It also reduces costs with team travel.

RCS 0400 stores the entire measurement and monitoring history in a database, allowing you to monitor the behavior of the systems.

As it is a customizable system, it can be applied in different scenarios and used to monitor different systems. It is possible to monitor room temperature, room humidity, commercial power grid voltage, UPS, air conditioning system, that is, the equipment can be adapted to different situations.

RCS 0400 is classified as PED (Strategic Defense Product) by the Brazilian Ministry of Defense.

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